Joey Vs Marik

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Creation began on 04-07-15

One has to hand it to Marik, while Pegasus's only real threat was Yugi, Marik was dealing with far more opposition. Besides Yugi, Joey, Kaiba, Ishizu, and Mai all played their part in trying to take him down. He was in a far worse position than Pegasus, and still almost made it out to the other side. 'Good luck on your duel, Joey.' Yugi said as his best friend walked with them down the hall and up the elevator that led to the top of Seto's blimp, where they would step out into the open for Joey and Odion's (who was still going by Marik) match.' Joey beamed a bright smile at the shorter boy before flashing a dark look at Odion. Marik also lost to joey. You imagine joey being the duelist with the winged dragon in the finals? Would have been super cool and probably the final duel would have been yugi vs joey level 2 Original Poster 54 points 1 year ago.

Creation ended on 04-08-15


The Fall of Ra

A/N: Try this story's scenario on for size.

Joey Wheeler had never felt so much pain before in his career as a Duelist. The Winged Dragon of Ra was the strongest monster he had ever faced, even in its Egyptian God Phoenix Mode. Every last inch of him felt incinerated by the flames of this beast. However, because Yami Marik had turned the Duel into a Shadow Game, the monsters' attacks were as real as they were.

When the attack ended, Joey thought he was going to fall, right then and there.

Yami Marik expected him to collapse from the immense pain and loss of energy from the onslaught of Ra, and, honestly, he wanted him to fall, for he had no other cards to recall Ra from the Graveyard nor did he have any other cards to defend himself from any possible attacks.

'What?!' He gasped, seeing Joey still standing, partially singed, drained, but still conscious. 'Impossible! You should be down for the count!'

'You can do it, Joey!' Tea cheered.

'Save the world!' Yami Yugi encouraged him.

With his breathing raspy, Joey drew a card from his Deck and summoned Gearfried, the Iron Knight to the field in front of him. As it had an offensive factor of eighteen-hundred points, it could deprive Yami Marik of his remaining nine-hundred Life Points.

'Gearfried,' he uttered, hoping that he wouldn't pass out from the pain he was in, 'attack his Life Points directly.'

Gearfried did as ordered, and slashed Yami Marik with its blade, inflicting harm on the Duelist and depriving him of the remainder of his Life Points, ending the Duel in Joey's favor.

'Aaaaauurgh!' Yami Marik howled in pain and fury; with the Duel lost, he couldn't face the Pharaoh and obtain the Millennium Puzzle, and without the remaining Egyptian God Cards, he couldn't achieve his master plans.

And now, without the Winged Dragon of Ra, he was out of the Battle City tournament because of the rare card requirement.

'It's over, Marik,' Joey told him, dropping to his knees. 'I've won.'

This can't be happening! Yami Marik thought.

Joey Vs Marik

'He did it!' Tristan and Tea cheered.

'Way to go, Joey!' Serenity cheered.

Yugioh joey vs marik

'He did it!' Tristan and Tea cheered.

'Way to go, Joey!' Serenity cheered.

Joey gave them a weak smile.

Joey Vs Marik Full Episode

Seto and Mokuba Kaiba were phased and impressed, respectively, by Joey being able to defeat the owner of an Egyptian God Card, though Seto considered the Duelist lucky for surviving in his tournament for this long.

A/N: I'll stop here and see what results this will get from being posted. Peace out.

Battle City: The REAL end of the Tournament


White Lego Ninja

Disclaimer: (Only here in Chapter 1) Yu-Gi-Oh belongs to Konami, Japan, NOT ME! If I owned it, I would host tournaments instead of writing fan fictions.

Author's Note: Come on people! Any of you knows just as well as I do how this tournament really ended. Now please read part one, and remember to review at the end. Let's Duel!

Chapter 1: Promise Protected

Marik grinned evilly as he held the card in his hand.

'Now I play Monster Reborn, to revive my Egyptian God Card!' Joey, Yami, Tristan, Tea, Duke and Mokuba gapsed, while Kaiba just glowered.

'Great beast of the sky please hear my cry. Transform thy self from orb of light and bring me victory in this fight. Envelop the desert with your glow and unleash your rage upon my foe. Unlock your powers from deep within so that together we may win. Appear in this Shadow Game as I call your name: WINGED DRAGON OF RA!'

The giant golden orb expanded and became absorbed in flames.

'The Winged Dragon of Ra has transformed into Egyptian God Phoenix, this is Ra's true form!' Marik exclaimed. Joey adopted a quizzical look.

'What's da deal? My Gilford the Lightning has 2800 Attack points, but your overgrown barbequed chicken has nothin' The others shared glances.

'You underestimate my creature's power fool! In this mode, Ra can instantly obliterate all monsters on your side of the field regardless of Attack Points. HA!'

Joey and the others wore a fearful look as Marik began to attack.

'Winged Dragon of Ra drain his life points and his soul!' The flames engulfed Gilford and Joey, blinding everyone else. Kaiba just sneered.

'Wheeler never should've joined my tournament in the first place! As if second place in Duelist Kingdom wasn't enough for him.'

'Joey!' an all too familiar female voice cried. Tea and Yami turned.

'Serenity!' Tea exclaimed, 'What are you doing here?'

'Ishizu said she'd watch Mai so I could come up and cheer Joey on to win.' Serenity answered. Yami and Tea gently held her.

As the flames died down, Marik mused. 'The shadows await.' However, as the smoke cleared, he, as well as the others, (Kaiba included though he didn't physically show it,) were greeted by a jaw-dropping sight.

'Grrr! You're standing! But how?!' Joey reached for his Duel Disk.

'Here... goes... nothin'...' Joey gazed at the card he'd drawn: Gearfried the Iron Knight. 'This guy... can take Marik... out...'

'If he succeeds in attacking my life points I'll lose the duel, control of my body and Millennium Item and my Egyptian God!' Marik cringed.

'I summon... Gearfried... the Iron Knight!' Joey said as the image of his card slowly appeared.

'Hurry Joey, call your attack!' Yami called. But before he could make the final move, Joey collapsed to the floor.

'Heh heh. It seems your foolish friend wasn't as strong as he thought!'

'That's IT!' Tristan shouted. 'Come on Duke!' Together, the two grabbed hold of Kaiba's subordinate and shook him.

'You pulled a stunt like this when Mai dueled with Marik on the blimp. If you say anything that suggests Marik, not Joey, won this duel, well, let's just say you'll be in pretty bad shape after we finish with you.' Duke hissed.

'Please... let me go...' Roland choked.

'What do you two First Class Dweeb Patrol members think you're doing?!' Kaiba shouted. Roland glanced over his shoulder.

Joey Vs Marik Episode

'I'm sory Mr. Kaiba.' To Duke and Tristan he said: 'The winner of this duel... is Mr. Joey Wheeler..'

From the crowd, a loud cheer erupted. From Marik, there were screams of agony as a bright golden glow surrounded his body.

'Marik! What's happening?!' Yami bellowed. When the glow died down, he fell unconscious to the floor. Serenity knelt at Joey's side, sobbing, as Yami knelt by Marik.

'Remind me to fire you after the tournament gets over Roland.' Kaiba murmured.

'Kaiba! They both need medical attention now!' Yami shouted.

'Hump! Fine. Get them to the Medical Ward.'

Yami and Tristan carried Joey to the elevator, as Kaiba did for Marik. Tea held a sobbing Serenity as she made her way after Yami.

A/N: How was that? Hope I did well. Please review.


White Lego Ninja

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